Can Dogs Drink Coffee? All You Want to Know

When you spill coffee and your dog snuck a taste, you might wonder if they got into the coffee grounds you threw in the garbage. If humans can drink coffee, can dogs drink coffee too?

The short answer is no, dogs can’t safely consume coffee. In fact, you should absolutely refrain from letting your dog consume coffee because it could have very serious, even fatal, effects.

Here are the facts you should be aware of regarding coffee and dogs, as well as what to do if your dog inadvertently consumes some.

Is Coffee Bad for Dogs?

Yes, coffee is harmful to canines. It might be toxic to them if they consume enough of it. Caffeine is the problem. Coffee consumption may result in caffeine poisoning in dogs because they are much more sensitive to the stimulant than people are.

Depending on how much caffeine was consumed, how concentrated it was, and how big your dog is, will determine how serious this situation is. The caffeine content of coffee grounds is higher than that of coffee. Additionally, a small amount of caffeine will have a more profound effect on smaller dogs than it would on a large dog.

Espresso has a higher concentration of caffeine than a typical cup of drip or instant coffee, but it’s typically diluted with hot water (as in an Americano) or some kind of milk (as in a latte). The overall caffeine content would be comparable to that of a typical cup of coffee as a result.

Decaf coffee isn’t completely decaffeinated, so be aware of this if you’re thinking it might be safe to drink. Caffeine is still present in it in trace amounts, which means your dog could still suffer negative effects.

A dog’s health can suffer from any additional ingredients. The following items are toxic to dogs, unhealthy for dogs, or can upset your dog’s stomach.

Sugar: Dogs shouldn’t consume sugar because it can upset their stomachs.

Milk: While some dogs can tolerate milk, others might not.

Macadamia nut milk: For the same reason that macadamia nuts are poisonous to dogs, macadamia nut milk is also poisonous.

Xylitol: Dogs cannot tolerate xylitol, which is frequently added as a sweetener to coffee creamers.

Added flavors: Dogs may be poisoned by additional coffee-making ingredients like chocolate or nutmeg.

Can Dogs Drink Coffee? All You Want to Know
Can Dogs Drink Coffee? All You Want to Know

Why Do Dogs Drink Coffee?

Dogs are naturally inquisitive animals who will sample any treats they can find. They will occasionally consume poop, toilet paper, grass, and rocks. Why wouldn’t they be drawn to the aroma of your morning cup of joe if they’ll even drink from the toilet?

Dogs have more time to get into household pet hazards as a result of people spending more time at home. A 220 percent increase in calls involving brewed coffee has been reported by the Pet Poison Helpline.

Symptoms of Caffeine Poisoning

Caffeine toxicity usually manifests itself 30 to 60 minutes after consumption. The duration of the symptoms can range from a few hours to several days. You’ll need to monitor your dog for any of these symptoms:

  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Vomiting
  • Panting
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • Hyperthermia (elevated body temperature)

Collapse, tremors, and seizures are potential symptoms in severe cases. Caffeine poisoning can kill your dog, but the lethal dose varies depending on the size of your dog.

What to Do If Your Dog Drank Coffee

Your medium- to large-breed dog will probably be fine if they only took a few licks from your coffee cup. However, it is time to be worried if they managed to consume an entire cup of coffee. Just a little bit can have a big impact on small-breed dogs, too. Tell your veterinarian how much coffee you think your dog has consumed by calling them.

What to Do If Your Dog Ate Coffee Grounds Or Beans

Contact your veterinarian immediately. Without the guidance and approval of your veterinarian, never attempt to induce vomiting on your own as this could lead to additional issues.

Much worse for your dog than drinking coffee is eating coffee beans or grounds. Compared to the coffee grounds themselves, brewed coffee is much more diluted. Any dog, regardless of size, can become seriously harmed by ingesting even a small amount of coffee beans or grounds.

How Veterinarians Treat Caffeine Poisoning

Your vet might advise keeping an eye out for signs of caffeine poisoning in your dog and giving them a call back if things get worse. A recommendation to bring your dog in for a checkup is also a possibility.

If it is within a few hours of when your dog consumed the caffeine, a veterinarian might be able to induce vomiting so that your dog’s body doesn’t continue to absorb it. Never try to make yourself throw up on your own.

To help remove toxins from their bodies without letting them enter the bloodstream, people occasionally give dogs activated charcoal. Additionally, they might give them fluids to flush the caffeine from their systems or give them medicine to regulate their heart rates, tremors, and seizures.

Can Dogs Drink Coffee? All You Want to Know
Can Dogs Drink Coffee? All You Want to Know

How to Prevent Your Dog from Drinking Coffee?

Never give coffee in any form as a treat, even though larger dogs may not have an issue with a small amount of brewed coffee.

Offering your dog the treats they deserve is enjoyable, but giving them human treats like chocolate can cause serious harm or even death.

Ensure that your dogs cannot access any caffeinated items, such as coffee, coffee grounds, coffee beans, chocolate-covered espresso beans, and tea bags, by keeping them off the ground. Always store the cup and the pot up and out of the way after brewing your morning coffee. That entails not setting it up in a position where it can be quickly knocked over and licked off the ground.

Close the trash bag after disposing of the coffee grounds and make sure your dog cannot access it at all. Certain breeds of dogs, such as Labrador Retrievers, enjoy retrieving treats from the trash.

Make sure everyone knows not to drink coffee near your dog, including your kids, relatives, roommates, and visitors. Coffee gifts should be kept out of reach of your dog if you are putting them in Christmas stockings or Hanukkah gifts.

As a general rule, it’s a good idea to teach your dog the “leave it” command to prevent them from eating something they shouldn’t.

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Can Dogs Die from Ingesting Coffee?

Sadly, yes. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, an excessive amount of caffeine from coffee can lead to “dangerous symptoms and even death.” But most dogs will survive caffeine intoxication if they receive immediate medical attention from a veterinarian.

Both brewed coffee and coffee beans or grounds have the potential to cause severe caffeine poisoning. However, because they contain a much higher amount of caffeine, drinking coffee beans or grounds makes it much more likely to occur.

The amount and type of coffee your dog has consumed, their weight, and the presence of any underlying medical conditions are the main determinants of the severity of their caffeine toxicity and their prognosis.

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