Can You Put Raw Oats in a Smoothie? Making a Smoothie With Oats

Your morning smoothie will become a filling and healthy meal if you add raw oats to it. You can use the oatmeal you use to make porridge as a nutritious smoothie ingredient. But is it OK to use it raw?

Whether cooked or raw, oats are a nourishing whole grain. Any type of oat can be used raw, but the smoothness and texture will vary depending on the degree of coarseness and whether you use rolled, steel-cut, or quick oats.

Oats in their raw form increase a smoothie’s fiber, good fat, plant protein, mineral, and vitamin content. Before adding the other ingredients to the smoothie, soak the oats in water or milk or grind them into flour for a silky texture. Work best with rolled oats.

A hearty breakfast helps sustain energy during the day and keeps your mind focused. You can add uncooked oat flakes to thicken and boost your smoothie’s health benefits. Here’s how to get the most out of smoothies made with raw oats.

What Type of Raw Oats is Best for Smoothies?

For a smoothie, rolled or quick oats work best because they have undergone processing and will blend easily. The smoothie will have more texture if you use unprocessed whole oat groats, coarse steel-cut oats, or bran.

Each has particular benefits, and all are nutritious whole grains with a similar nutritional profile.

Rolled oats are lightly steamed and rolled into thick or thin flakes between heavy rollers. The oat flakes are next lightly toasted. Because of this processing, cooking takes less time. The best way to incorporate raw rolled oats into smoothies is either as-is or pre-soaked to improve the smoothness after blending.

Quick oats or instant oats are partially cooked and processed to a fine texture, which causes the loss of some nutrients. Smooth blending is possible when adding it raw to smoothies. Be wary of these oats with added sugar or other unwanted additives.

Steel-cut (Irish oats) are minimally processed and considered more nutritious and “raw” than rolled oats or quick oats. Instead of rolling or toasting, the whole oat groat is simply chopped in half. Oats that are steel-cut require longer cooking times. If added raw to smoothies, it will give the consistency of chewy, grit.

Oat groats are the most basic form of the oat grain that includes the cereal germ, endosperm, and bran. Unless you can finely chop them up, it’s not the best to add to smoothies.
Oat bran is the flaky outer layer of the oat groat after the endosperm and cereal germ has been removed. It has a number of health advantages, more protein, soluble fiber, and fewer calories than regular oatmeal. Smoothies can have it added, but the texture will become grittier and rougher.

It is common practice to spray oat and wheat crops with the herbicide glyphosate. For smoothies, it is best to use raw, organic oats because this chemical is unhealthy.

Can You Put Raw Oats in a Smoothie Making a Smoothie With Oats
Can You Put Raw Oats in a Smoothie? Making a Smoothie With Oats

Is An Oatmeal Smoothie Healthy?

Oats contain a variety of beneficial nutrients, such as vitamins and antioxidants that can reduce cholesterol and aid in weight loss. Oats are a great addition to any smoothie because they gradually release energy throughout the day, ensuring that you won’t experience fatigue or feel drowsy while you’re out and about. Oats are a common staple item in our kitchen cupboards, which is why they are such a good recommendation for your smoothie recipe. For those who like a sweeter and thicker smoothie, oatmeal has a similar texture.

Do I Need to Cook Oats before Putting Them in a Smoothie?

Oats don’t need to be cooked before being added to a smoothie; you can either mix them in right away or soak them for an hour in water or milk to give them a creamy texture. Simply blend oats and other ingredients in your blender for a few minutes, and you’ll have a delicious oatmeal smoothie you can enjoy before work or take with you. As an alternative, you could make your oatmeal smoothie the night before and put it in the refrigerator.

Which Kind of Oats Are Best for Smoothies?

Because they offer a thicker texture and are simple to blend, rolled oats are the best choice for smoothies. If you’re looking for a recipe for a creamier smoothie, these oats are also great for soaking in milk or water. For your morning smoothie, you could also use quick or porridge oats; both varieties are delicious!

Can You Put Raw Oats in a Smoothie Making a Smoothie With Oats
Can You Put Raw Oats in a Smoothie? Making a Smoothie With Oats

Oatmeal in a Smoothie

Smoothies can be a filling and healthy meal or snack when made with the right ingredients. Oatmeal increases both soluble and insoluble fiber levels in addition to providing additional nutrients. Soluble fiber dissolves in water while insoluble fiber does not, causing the smoothie to thicken and become more filling as a result.

If you prefer cooked oatmeal in a smoothie, try this recipe:

  1. Make one cup of oatmeal.
  2. Half a Honeycrisp apple, half a Bartlett pear, a cup of hemp milk, one teaspoon of maple syrup, and a dash of ground cinnamon should all be added to a blender with the oatmeal.
  3. Ingredients should be thoroughly blended.

You can use raw oats instead of cooked in smoothie recipes, but the texture will be different. To keep a smooth consistency in a smoothie with raw oats, try our Golden Smoothie recipe:

  1. Raw rolled oats amounting to 1/4 cup should be added to a blender and processed until powdered.
  2. Two tangerines, one cup of coconut water, two tablespoons of coconut milk, one teaspoon of honey, one fourth teaspoon of vanilla extract, and half a teaspoon of ground turmeric should all be added to the blender.
  3. Ingredients should be smooth after blending.
Can You Put Raw Oats in a Smoothie Making a Smoothie With Oats
Can You Put Raw Oats in a Smoothie? Making a Smoothie With Oats

Summary: Can You Put Raw Oats in a Smoothie?

You should now be aware that raw oats can be added to smoothies. Remember that the best types are the ones that have been processed slightly, like rolled oats, which will blend more easily.

Any smoothie can benefit from the healthy, energizing addition of raw oats. Enjoy some daily to promote gut, heart, and digestive health.

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