Cheese Tea: a New Food Trend

Recently the drink cheese tea has become more and more popular in many beverage shops. Yes, cheese tea! It sounds impossible to put these two things into one cup, right? But they make it!

Like its predecessor, bubble tea, cheese tea is also a beverage that originated in Taiwan, China. And it swiftly spreads to other Asian countries and finally the US.

Now let’s pay attention to this new tasty drink. After reading this post you can get more you want to know about cheese tea.

Cheese Tea: a New Food Trend

Where is Cheese Tea From?

Cheese tea is thought to have originated in China with the help of Chinese entrepreneur Nie Yunchen, and it quickly gained popularity in Taiwan’s night markets where market vendors would prepare this sweet and creamy tea.

This inventive and distinctive tea has spread across Asia and the United States, joining the ranks of other rapidly expanding trends like bubble tea and boba.

What is Cheese Tea?

Around the middle of 2010, cheese tea first appeared in Taiwan’s night markets, and ever since then, its craze has grown. The sweet, salty, and creamy cheese tea was originally only available in Asian nations, but it is now becoming more popular in the United States. Yes, the traditional recipe does include cheese—specifically, cream cheese. The frothy layer on top of iced green or black tea was achieved in the original Taiwanese cheese tea by combining powdered cheese with whipping cream and milk. Finishing the beverage with a sprinkle of salt brings out the flavors of the earthy tea and the briny, sweet foam with a hint of savoriness.

When cheese tea arrived in the Chinese province of Guangdong in 2012, it developed into a more expensive beverage. There, cream cheese, which is combined with milk to create a froth that resembles a cloud, took the place of the powdered cheese. Like the foam on a latte or cappuccino, the cheese cap is thick but drinkable. Unlike these other beverages, cheese tea is served cold and frequently contains green or black teas, though other varieties of tea and tisanes may also be used. In order to get the sweet foam and the tea in your mouth at the same time and combine them for the best flavor, you should sip cheese tea. As a result, specialty lids have been created to allow cheese tea to be transported outside the house without a straw or ice.

Cheese Tea: a New Food Trend

What’s in Cheese Tea

In the majority of cheese teas, there are four main components. First, there is the actual tea, which is typically black or green tea but can also be herbal tisanes, oolong, or white teas. The cheese, either cream cheese or cheese powder, makes up the other major ingredient. Then the cheese is whisked with milk or cream to create the signature frothy top of the beverage. The cheese tea is then finished with a dash of salt to add a savory note that contrasts with the creamy and sweet cap and the earthy and floral notes of the tea.

How to Drink Cheese Tea

Use a lid or the lip of a cup to sip cheese tea so that the tea and foam can mix for about an inch while being consumed. To ensure that nothing interferes with the sensation of these two components blending, cheese tea should be consumed cold, without ice, and without a straw. Toss the cheese cap into the tea or sip it while doing so.

Cheese Tea: a New Food Trend

What Does Cheese Tea Taste Of?

Its name, “cheese tea,” belies what it actually is, which is a sweet foam with cheese or ice cream flavoring that is poured over ice-cold tea. You can enjoy making and consuming this decadent treat using either black tea or green tea.
It has a very distinctive flavor that combines the robust, earthy notes of a strong black or green tea with the sweet, rich, and creamy flavors of the foam and a subtle hint of salt for balance.

Buying and Storing

At the moment, the only two options for obtaining cheese tea are ordering it from a specialty drink shop or making it at home. It’s not the same as instant milk tea, which is sold in many grocery stores.

Cheese Tea Vs. Boba Tea

Both boba tea and cheese tea originated in Taiwan and gained popularity across Asia. Known for its sweet, creamy liquid and chewy tapioca balls, boba tea, also known as bubble tea, is now widely available throughout the world. Although it’s only been around since 2010, cheese tea hasn’t gained as much popularity. Black or green tea are the preferred flavors for both teas, though any tea can be used to make them.

Although both cheese tea and boba are served chilled, the former is frequently devoid of milk and the latter is frequently creamier. The cream cheese and milk foam cap on top of cheese tea, which can be swirled into the beverage or taken simultaneously, adds richness to it. Unlike cheese tea, which is entirely liquid and thick foam, boba tea contains a solid tapioca component that can be chewed.

Cheese Tea: a New Food Trend


Cheese tea, which was created in Taiwan, consists of black or green tea, milk, cream cheese, and salt. It is also a well-liked beverage in Asia. Now is the time to try this expanding trend!

Related Reading

What Is Tiger Milk Tea & How to Make

What Is Cheez Whiz

How to Make Cheese Foam for Boba


Is Cheese Tea Good for You?

Unfortunately, not so much. “Since it is made from a blend of cream cheese and condensed milk, the cheese topping can provide a source of [calcium and] protein,” Palinsky-Wade says. “However, it can also contain a lot of added sugars and saturated fats.”

What Is Cheese Tea Like?

Cheese tea has a lovely, refreshing taste. The foam is usually atop bubble tea, most often made with black, green or oolong tea. The taste of the tea will vary depending on which leaves you to use, but the foam will be sweet. Moreover, it has a similar flavor profile to cheesecake.

What Is Cheese Tea Made of?

Made using soft cream cheese, icing sugar, and milk, this heavenly mix of ingredients is whipped together to create a sweet foam-like topping for black tea and green tea. Cheese tea, or naigai cha, is also known as milk cap tea or cheese mousse tea, which is a great way to describe its thick texture.

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