What Is a Breve Coffee?

When you are ordering at a coffee shop, It’s important to know what’s the meaning of each word on the list. Today I’ll introduce you to what a breve coffee is in Starbucks. What’s a classic breve coffee made of? Is there an iced version? Is the caffè breve the same as the breve latte? Does it have more calories than other classic espresso-based drinks such as the cappuccino? Let’s start.

What is a Breve?

In reality, the term “breve” is also used in other disciplines, including music and phonics.

On the other hand, I’ll only discuss what it means in the context of coffee in this article.

So here’s what a breve is:

A breve is a hot espresso-based coffee beverage.

What Is a Breve Coffee?

It’s an Americanized version of the Italian cappuccino that uses half-and-half (a combination of whole milk and cream) as opposed to milk.

One shot of espresso and an equal amount of steamed and frothed half-and-half make up a caffe breve.

It is frequently given to customers in a typical 5 fl. cappuccino cup. oz. to 8 fl. oz. (150 ml to 2400 ml).

Whether it’s a caffè latte, caffè mocha, or a cappuccino, every traditional espresso-based beverage with “breve” added to its name has half-and-half in place of the milk component.

The beverage becomes creamier, richer, and more viscous as a result.

For those who prefer milk with a pleasant texture and stable microfoam, half-and-half also froths fairly well, making the brew more enjoyable.

Remember that it isn’t sweetened though.

Traditional coffee shops frequently use flavored syrups to sweeten their breves.

However, in traditional coffee shops, sugar isn’t typically added, so your coffee won’t be as sweet.

A traditional café breve’s richness, creaminess, and well-balanced flavor come from the mixing of half-and-half and espresso.

You can, of course, always request that your beverage be sweetened, but you shouldn’t anticipate that it will be if you haven’t told your barista in advance.

What Is a Breve Coffee?

Frequently, you’ll see iced breve lattes that are created by filling a 12 oz. (350 ml) cup with ice cubes, cold half-and-half, and topping off the drink with 1 to 2 shots of espresso.

Naturally, serving sizes differ depending on where you are.

Even a large 32 oz. breve beverage is available at Dutch Bros. (~ 1 liter) cup.

What Does ‘breve’ Mean at Starbucks?

You’re likely aware of the peculiar terminology some items on the menu at Starbucks shops use.

This is the reason why non-regulars frequently misjudge the type of drink they receive when they order a breve.

At Starbucks, baristas mistakenly believe that “breve” refers to half-and-half.

Everywhere else, a breve is a coffee concoction made with espresso and half-and-half.

For this reason, if you order a tall breve at Starbucks, you will probably receive a cup of steaming half-and-half.

Order a tall breve latte or breve cappuccino instead if you want to prevent such a misunderstanding.

What Is a Breve Coffee?

It goes without saying that at some Starbucks locations, the baristas will recognize the drink you’ve ordered and will give it to you in a traditional caffè breve style.

However, it has occasionally annoyed customers and baristas alike that the terms “half-and-half” and “breve” are used interchangeably.

Having said that, it’s helpful to know that half-and-half can be used in place of milk in each coffee beverage on the Starbucks menu.

A White Chocolate Mocha breve or a Caramel Macchiato breve are two examples of possible drinks.

The same goes for nonfat white chocolate mochas made with skim milk and almondmilk caramel macchiatos.


A breve coffee has more calories than a regular cappuccino or a vaffè latte, as many of you may have already guessed.

This is as a result of the use of half-and-half in place of whole milk in its preparation.

In most cases, a serving (8 fl. oz, 240 ml) of whole milk contains around 150-160 calories, while the same amount of half-and-half contains around 320 calories.

This indicates that the milk portion of a breve latte will have twice as many calories as a regular caffè latte.

What Is a Breve Coffee?

Because ice cubes are added before the milk and cream mixture is added to the cup, iced versions of the breve frequently have fewer calories.

Due to this, the beverage contains less half-and-half.

In some places, half-and-half is available in a fat-free variety with fewer calories.

The problem is that this kind of product typically contains corn syrup, which increases the amount of added sugar in the beverage.

I don’t think of this as a healthier option because of this.

I would recommend that you choose a smaller serving size and take full advantage of the beverage.


Breve coffee has become many people’s choice, you can also have a try on it next time you pay a visit to Starbucks. Here are more information you may want to know.

What Is a Red Eye Coffee

Instant Coffee: Healthy Or Not

Is Coffee Acidic

What Is a Flat White Coffee

What Is a Latte Coffee

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