What Is Chèvre Cheese

Chèvre is French for Goat’s cheese. They are popular among elderly and children who are more likely to show low tolerance to cow’s milk.

Goat cheeses has a unique, tart, earthy flavour that sets them apart from cow cheeses. This distinctive tang and aroma grow robust and bold as it ages.

If you are curious about chèvre cheese, you can find out more information in this post.

What Is Chèvre Cheese

What is Chèvre?

Formally called le fromage de chèvre, which means “goat cheese,” chèvre can range from soft and creamy to hard and crumbly, depending on its age. Cheese made from goat’s milk (especially raw or unpasteurized) has potent flavors and aromas that differ depending on the breed of goat and what it eats; regional influences include climate, altitude, and other environmental factors. Presumably, the French feel comfortable referring to goat cheese simply as “goat,” perhaps because goat meat rarely appears on menus in the country. It’s typically a midrange cheese in American grocery stores.

How Chèvre is Made

Goat milk, either raw or pasteurized, is the basis of Champagne. Goat cheese descriptions often include statements such as “to be eaten from March to December.” Goats only produce milk for seven to eight months a year, primarily from March to July, as opposed to cows, which can be milked all year long. It makes sense that it would be best to eat goat cheese during specific months of the year given that it typically ages for only a few days to a few weeks (four months being the absolute maximum).

Rennet and additional starter cultures encourage the formation of curds, which cheesemakers then separate, drain, and pack into molds to give the final product its shape. the majority of chèvre in the U.S. falls into the fresh or semisoft categories, aging from a mere two days to a couple of weeks. Goat cheese produced in the United States must be aged for a minimum of 60 days legally because it contains raw milk. nearly always comes from pasteurized milk.

Chèvre is soft, creamy, and spreadable when it is young and in-season. It has a mild, buttery flavor and a color resembling cream cheese. The color deepens to a golden yellow as it ages, becoming drier and crumblier as well as developing stronger, tangier flavors and aromas.

What Is Chèvre Cheese

Types of Chèvre

Young fresh chèvre is a creamy cheese with no rind that is frequently found in grocery store tubs or logs. Peppercorns or herbs may be used to season it. Depending on how long it is left to ripen, aged goat cheese gets harder and crumblier; it is frequently sold in wheels and may have an ashy coating that is edible. Many popular cheese varieties, including blue, brie, cheddar, and gouda, can be found in goat form as well.

Uses of Chèvre

Start by adding the youngest, softest, mildest cheese to a cheese platter before moving on to the strongest, driest, most mature cheese. Take the charcuterie out of the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before serving time in order to allow it to come to room temperature and exhibit its full range of flavors and aromas.

Possibly the best way to enjoy chèvre is on a fresh French baguette with a glass of wine. With younger cheese, a crisp Sauvignon goes well, and with aged cheese, a woodsy chardonnay goes well. Warm goat cheese pairs nicely with a fruity red.

When heated, chèvre softens but doesn’t completely melt. Because of this, it’s suitable for pizza and pasta dishes. When making canapés, chèvre can be spread on crackers or added to salads, depending on its age (keep in mind that younger is softer).

You want an equal amount of rind in each serving of aged cheese. Slice cylinders into rounds, portion pyramids into vertical wedges, and slice chèvre rounds into wedge-shaped sections (similar to pizza slices).

What Is Chèvre Cheese

How to Storage Chèvre

Chèvre can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three months after it has been unopened in its original packaging. Fresh charcuterie can be kept for a few weeks after being opened in an airtight plastic container. Aged varieties should be wrapped in parchment or wax paper, followed by a second layer of foil or plastic.

For a few months, you can safely freeze tightly wrapped fresh or aged charcuterie; simply thaw it slowly in the fridge. The flavor and textural quality of the cheese, however, could significantly deteriorate, so use caution.

Substitutes for Chèvre

The term “Chèvre” refers to a number of French cheeses made with goat’s milk rather than just one kind of cheese. To find a suitable replacement, find a cheese with a comparable level of tang and mild acidity.

The delicate Feta from Greece has a tart flavor profile and a dry, lingering finish. Although crumbly, the texture is smooth. When baked, the frequently enjoyed fresh flavors deepen and intensify, and the consistency becomes a little softer.

Castello Double Crème White with Goats Milk, a replacement for white mould Chèvre, offers a similar tart flavor profile along with warm undertones of caramelized butter and earthy mushroom. It has a creamy center and a thin layer of white mold on top that is mixed with cow’s milk.

What Is Chèvre Cheese


The French word for goat, chèvre, also refers to cheese made from the animal’s milk. Age and other factors affect the flavor and texture of it. In our everyday lives, we can use feta to replace it.

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What’s the Difference Between Goat Cheese and Chèvre?

It sure is! “Chevre” means both “goat” and “goat cheese” in French and is frequently used to refer to fresh goat cheeses in particular. Fresh goat cheese, or chevre, is bright, tart, tangy, and delicious, but goat cheese comes in all shapes, sizes, and ages.

Is Chèvre Same as Feta?

Goat cheese, or chèvre in French, is a highly versatile cheese. Like Feta, it has been made for thousands of years. Unlike feta, goat cheese is made using – you guessed it – goat milk. There are many varieties of chèvre, each with its own characteristics.

How Do You Eat Chèvre Cheese?

Creamy goat’s cheese is delicious in salads, bread, and pizzas. Although it will soften when exposed to heat, chevre does not melt as other cheeses do. It will add delicious moments of cheesy goodness to any dish it is melted onto.

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