Everything You Need to Know About Wagyu Burgers

You may have heard of A5 level wagyu, it’s the best wagyu meat you can find according to the Japanese beef level. Wagyu burgers are burgers made with wagyu beef.

But what is wagyu? Wagyu is a type of Japanese cattle that is renowned for its marbled meat, which gives it a unique flavor and texture. It has a richer flavor than other beef.

The wagyu burgers you can find in the United States might not be made with real wagyu, so I’ll introduce you to how to separate the real wagyu. Let’s find out.

What’s a Wagyu Burger?

In order to understand what wagyu burgers are, I’m going to look at how they are made.

From the outside, this query might appear to be fairly straightforward. A wagyu burger is obviously one that is made with wagyu beef, but there is much more to a wagyu burger than that.

What ingredients go into a wagyu burger? Meat of superior quality and marbling makes up a Wagyu burger. With a flavorful richness that is frequently referred to as buttery or nutty, the meat is incredibly tender and juicy. This is because wagyu cows are raised carefully and in a particular way.

Everything You Need to Know About Wagyu Burgers

Wagyu burgers can also be made with steak or roast instead of ground beef. Although they can also be prepared in the oven, the patties are usually cooked on the grill or in a pan.

The first thing to keep in mind is that, depending on where you are, the definition of wagyu beef can vary considerably.

When a burger is advertised as having real wagyu beef, for instance, you can reasonably assume that it is, if you’re in Japan. The majority of people seeking the best wagyu beef will desire a burger made of A5 wagyu, the highest grade, so be sure to pay close attention to the grade of the beef.

This indicates that the wagyu beef met all criteria for marbling as defined by the Japanese grading system. Since A5 wagyu features about twice as much marbling as even the best cuts of Angus in the US, this kind of grade would typically be out of this world if the USDA were grading the beef.

Since American wagyu beef is typically born and raised in the country, it is notoriously difficult to import true A5 wagyu beef there. Unfortunately, the USA has very loose definitions of what qualifies as wagyu beef, and you might be duped into thinking that you’re eating the best beef in the world when in reality you’re not.

Does Turning Wagyu into a Burger Ruin It?

Although it is possible to make wagyu burgers, many chefs question whether they would even be worthwhile given how ground beef negates the benefits of a wagyu steak cut.

What is ground wagyu beef? Wagyu ground beef is a high-end variety of ground beef produced from Wagyu cattle. Wagyu ground beef is regarded as being a cut above the rest because these cattle are renowned for producing high-quality meat.

The meat is juicy and well-marbled, making it ideal for meatloaf, burgers, and other dishes that frequently call for ground beef. Shops that specialize in butchering or online retailers both carry wagyu ground beef.

Everything You Need to Know About Wagyu Burgers

When wagyu meat is turned into ground beef, the natural distribution of fat throughout the meat is lost, which lessens one of the main appeals of the meat. This lowers the quality of the burger in comparison to wagyu in steak form because the marbling in a wagyu steak is what gives it its juiciness and tenderness.

In addition, because wagyu beef is much more saturated with fat than regular beef when it is ground, the burger patties may not be as well suited for burger cooking in the first place.

If you tried to make burgers out of real A5 wagyu, you would end up with a patty that was so drenched in fat that it would literally crumble when you tried to cook it. This is because the fat that keeps the meat together would essentially liquefy and decompose the meat.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the maximum permitted amount of fat in ground beef is only 30%, and even that is thought to be too much for the meat used in burgers. Even the beef that is typically used in burgers, which has the highest fat content, is only about 25%.

Another problem is that wagyu beef is cooked so that you can taste the meat, especially given how flavorful it is in comparison to other beef. Because burgers typically have toppings on them, adding it to one will make you taste the flavors less.

Even if you order a plain wagyu beef burger, the bun’s presence only serves to dull your palate and mask the wagyu flavor.

Of course, wagyu beef burgers can still be made to a high standard. To preserve the meat’s flavor, you must be careful not to overseason it. Additionally, you should make sure that your burger is cooked to a medium-rare level because cooking it to a well-done level will cause the meat to lose a lot of its best flavors.

The question of whether or not wagyu burgers are worth the cost and preparation effort is one that both chefs and cooks vigorously debate.

Types of Cows Used for Wagyu

Now that you are aware of what wagyu beef burgers are and what kind of meat is used to make them, let’s look at the breeds of cows from which they are sourced. Here are the breeds used for wagyu:

  • Japanese Black,
  • Japanese Polled,
  • Japanese Brown,
  • and Japanese Shorthorn.
Everything You Need to Know About Wagyu Burgers

This is due to the Japanese Meat Grading Association (JMGA), which, as one might expect, only operates in Japan and is the only organization that holds wagyu beef to such high standards. It only makes sense that wagyu beef will be subject to less stringent standards in other countries given that it literally tops the charts of other organizations that regulate food grades.

Sadly, it is precisely the high standards in Japan that have led to the best wagyu beef in the world. Imagine the contrast between an enormous, flawlessly cut, and clear diamond and an identical-sized stone with poor refractive properties and roughness.

You might be wondering if a real wagyu burger even exists in Japan, but you’ll be relieved to learn that many Japanese restaurants and hotels now serve wagyu burgers thanks to the large number of American tourists who visit the country. In one case, the hotel even sells a three-kilogram burger for $946!

Wagyu is Great for a Healthy Lifestyle

Among the meat options, Wagyu beef is regarded as one of the healthiest. This kind of beef is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, so if you include it in your already well-balanced diet, it might be advantageous for you. Compared to typical beef used for burgers, it contains up to 30% more of these types of acids. This is a fantastic option if you want to keep your cholesterol levels within the normal range. Keep in mind that numerous studies point to a link between higher intakes of monounsaturated fatty acids and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Everything You Need to Know About Wagyu Burgers

The best way to enjoy the melt-in-your-mouth marbling characteristic of wagyu, according to beef connoisseurs, is grilled steak. A great way to sample and assess wagyu from different regions and grades is through steak. So that the marblinged fat reaches its ideal melting point, always cook the beef to at least medium or medium-rare temperatures.


I’m sorry to tell you that it’s difficult to have real wagyu burgers in America. If you really want to try this super delicious burger, you can go to Japan. There are many restaurants serving wagyu burgers in Japan.

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What Is So Special About a Wagyu Burger?

Wagyu genetics means that the cattle produce a beef that is higher in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids than other types of beef. A mixture of the monounsaturated fat and muscle creates a signature marbling effect, and this results in a texture that is moist and tender.

Are Wagyu Burgers Healthy?

It’s surprisingly healthy.

Wagyu is high in a compound called oleic acid, which gives it a higher proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids—otherwise known as the good kind of fat, which does not increase your cholesterol.

Why Are Wagyu Burgers So Expensive?

Japanese Wagyu beef is prized for its famous flavor profile. The unique taste, texture, and tenderness is the product of famous Wagyu genetics, diet, and environment.

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