Why Do Cheese Curds Squeak & How to Make

Every fan of cheeses will like cheese curds! And the squeaking sound it made is so cute!

I mean, it doesn’t show that your cheese curds have anything wrong, so don’t worry. Only the freshest cheese curds can squeak!

If you are willing to hear it again, it also doesn’t matter. Just keep reading.

What Are Cheese Curds?

We need to give you a quick overview of the function of cheese curds in the cheesemaking process before we can explain that endearing squeak. The majority of cheeses begin their lives as cheese curds, which may surprise you. This is because the first step in making cheese is to separate farm-fresh milk into curds and whey. This is done by heating milk vats with a whey starter and rennet.

The starter’s bacteria causes the milk to become acidic, forming curds that are later separated from the whey and pressed into blocks. Although the specifics of this process vary depending on the cheese, the basics are always the same.

Here in Wisconsin, the procedure for creating the familiar and beloved bite-sized curds closely resembles that of cheddar. Cheddar uses a unique process called “cheddaring,” which involves stacking blocks of curds on top of each other to squeeze any excess whey or air trapped in the layers below.

Why Do Cheese Curds Squeak & How to Make

The Science Behind the Squeak

Why Do Cheese Curds Squeak?

We must examine the proteins that make up cheese more closely in order to comprehend why cheese curds squeak. Cheese curds are composed of proteins that are connected to calcium at the microscopic level. This protein and calcium structure in cheese curds rubs against the tooth enamel when you bite into them, causing a squeaking sound.

Don’t freak out if your cheese curds don’t squeak! Cheese curds only stay squeaky for a few days at peak freshness. The squeakiness eventually stops after a few days because the calcium-protein bonds that are responsible for it start to break. Your cheese curds haven’t necessarily gone bad because of this, though. Cheese curd squeak does not affect how they taste in any way.

How Do You Make Cheese Curds Squeak Again?

The good news is that you can make cheese curds squeak once more if you’re missing out on those endearing squeaks. You can revive the squeakiness in your cheese curds by putting them in the microwave for 3-5 seconds. As a result, the calcium and protein structures rebond, increasing the squeak factor. (Sometimes we call this highly scientific process “re-squeak-ification.”) However, unless you want to melt your priceless curds, avoid microwaving them for longer periods of time.

How Long Do Cheese Curds Stay Squeaky?

After being made, cheese curds typically retain their squeak for 3–5 days. To keep your cheese curds squeaky for as long as possible, store them in the refrigerator and away from any moisture sources.

Why Do Cheese Curds Squeak & How to Make

How Should You Store Cheese Curds?

For the rare occasion you don’t eat all your cheese curds the day you get them, you can store them in an airtight container in your refrigerator. Your curds will stay fresh for about a week using this method, but we advise eating them as soon as possible to maximize their freshness. Consider freezing your cheese curds if you’re looking for longer-term storage solutions. Cheese curds can be kept in your freezer for up to four months if they haven’t been opened; just give them a day or two to thaw before eating. Read our comprehensive guide that outlines everything you need to know for more advice on storing cheese.

What is the Difference Between Cheese and Cheese Curds?

The simplest definition of cheese curds is young cheddar. When cheesemakers combine milk, rennet, and a starter with a goal of separating the solid curds from the liquid whey, they produce cheese curds early in the process. Instead of forming these cheese curds into substantial blocks for processing and aging, cheesemakers simply stop the process at this point, giving us the adorable, bite-sized cheese curds we’ve come to love.

Why Do Cheese Curds Squeak & How to Make

Related Reading

What Types of Cheese Are Good for Weight Losing

American Cheese: Healthy or Not

Is Moldy Cheese Healthy to Eat?

Final Thoughts

Now it’s time for you to buy some cheese curds and enjoy them! I can’t wait to hear the great sounds made by them!

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